Tuesday, April 30, 2013


This Sunday, May 5, at the 11:11 a.m. worship hour, several young teenagers will confirm their faith in Christ.  I hope you can be there.

Confirmation, perhaps, is the most important "witness" we can share in the company of the faithful.  It is at once a verbal testimony, a sharing of belief, a historic rite, and a personal confession that binds us together with the great cloud of witnesses.  Confirmation is not the last step of learning, but the first step of a life-long commitment to learning:  about God, our discipleship, and a life of faith.

This year, perhaps, I was least involved in the lives of these disciples.  But while I was not present for most of the classes, the retreats, the work days, the worship, and the fun . . . I know that Pastor Michelle, Andrew Attwood, Trevor Farmer, the mentors, and the parents were learning alongside these remakable kids.  Confirmation is one of the ministries we do best at Calvary--and if you don't believe that, ask one of these students what they have learned about Christ.  We have phenomenal teens at Calvary--and equally remarkable leadership and families!

My message to the confirmands, in particular, and to the congregation, in general, will be a simple one next weekend:  We are being sent.  Jesus, in fact, used that word a great deal in the gospels.  Jesus said that he had been sent by his heavenly Father.  He also told his disciples that he would send the Holy Spirit to be with us forever.  And the final instruction Christ gave his disciples was:  I am sending you into all the world. 

So we are sent.  Christ was sent.  And we follow Christ.  We are sent.

Now the question:  As you have confirmed your faith in Christ . . . where is Christ sending YOU?  Is it to a friend or neighbor in need?  Is it into some work?  Is God sending you to lead a ministry in your church?  Is God sending you blessings so you can be a blessing to others?  Is God sending you wealth so you can send more to God's work?  Is God sending you across the street?  Across the continent? 

Only you and God can answer the question.  But you are sent!


1 comment:

  1. yay- for our confirmands... they really are a next crop of young people who are on fire for God! Because they now realize WHO God is, and How God wants to love on them, and that they matter to God! What a witness our congregation makes every year because of our commitment to excellence in our confirmation ministry- and you were involved... we saw you at retreat with us this year! :)
